Monday 6 August 2012

Strandhill - Bellavary

Early start today, well we left at 9.30am early for us! Today was a day of villages with similar names and a lot of farms!

We headed for Coolooney,  Coolaney and then Cloonacool before stopping for food in Aclare. Or trying to! Definitely a lack of cafes! There's generally a small shop and maybee a pub in most of these villages, not so good for a cyclist trying to get a cup of tea!

In Aclare I asked the shop keeper if there was any cafes or places we could get food in the town and he looked at me like I was completely dense! Then a woman in the shop told us to come to her house and she'd make us tea! We went and had ham sandwiches, ribena, biscuits, tea...she was lovely! Definitely Irish hospitality, she would ask us if we wanted something, we would say oh no thank you we're fine then she would make it anyway! Patricia Maye is awesome :)

We finally got to Foxford and bought dinner before heading to Pontoon on Patricia's recommendation. It really is beautiful there, you cycle around the lake and most of it is down hill. We then tried to find the campsite which we knew was somewhere near Bellavary. We decided to head on a bog land, white road route and ended up getting a little loss! It was a good lost though, saw all the peat farms and the peat all stacked up drying out. We were about to ask someone for directions, when Timolo saw a campervan through the trees! We had actually managed to cycle directly through the campsite! Brilliant stuff, after putting out bikes on the bike rack we went to reception to sign in. No one about, a crash behind us brought the owner out and we realised that bike racks not attached to the ground are not good places to put fully loaded bikes! The campsite is called Carrowkeel and is pretty good. The guy there is from Holland, bought the places over 20 years ago after cycling through Ireland and deciding he didn't want to leave!

We cycled 80km today. Good work team!

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