Thursday 12 July 2012

From Larne to Ballycastle

Suncream stocks still holding strong. Sunglasses remain unused.

First day: Larne to Ballycastle

We missed the train
Well, we missed the train by 30 seconds. My fault for faffing but it gave us an opportunity to wait out the rain and gorge on sweets and coke. An hour later and we were on the train bound for Larne, the weather had improved marginally, it was only drizzling. And so we began our 40mile cycle to Ballycastle.

Lessons learnt:

1) Cycle routes can include gigantic hills
2) People who can cycle up these hills must be made of sterner stuff than us, and probably have lighter bikes/no bags
3) Pushing bikes up 4 miles of hills is tiring
Therefore, avoid hills if possible.

We did have a lovely tea in Cushendall in Arthur's cafe. I highly recommend you go there! We also met Tim's dad in Cushendall, randomly, who was driving his bus, he waved and beeped then Tim ran down the road to see if he had stopped, he hadn't. I'm sure he was on a schedule.

We camped in Maguire's on the edge of Ballycastle, which was lovely and we saw an epic sunset. It then proceeded to rain all night and most of the next day.

What to do in a tent when it rains...

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