Sunday 20 May 2012

Cider and Mars Bars

Well, the day has finally come. I finished all my final exams yesterday, no more exams at Queen's! And my undergraduate career has almost come to an end. It's quite a strange feeling to be honest, it really hasn't sunk in only I don't feel guilty watching cooking shows or looking up bike things. The exams were really hard, as you'd expect for final year so I'm glad they're over! I was so tired afterwards I went and got a haircut then watched 90210, drunk cider and had a mars bar! The freee cider I won from The Armagh Cider Company. It was so lovely!

I've been thinking a lot about what I'm going to do next year, initially I wanted to do a PhD and I still do, but I didn't get any offers and not many replies back!! So I've applied for a MSc at the University of Nottingham in Immunology and Allergy. It seems like a good course and a good uni. The project is 5 months long and a masters is actually a whole year instead of a typical academic year that I'm used to. The gym is so cheap, its something ridiculous like £25/year membership whereas I used to pay £18.50 a month at QUB. Most of all I guess I'm looking forward to living with Timolo :) in a lovely house with friends! I want to do the masters so I can live with Timolo for a while and the masters will help me decide if a PhD is definitely what I want to do. Plus, I'd love to get some experience in a lab outside of QUB. There's a guy who is working on DCs so I'm hoping he would have an available project.

So in the mean time I've been slowly planning bits of pieces of the summer! Most important thing is to get things sorted for the Alps and get the panniers for the cycling trip. As part of the training and a test for the gear we're cycling to Monaghan in June just to check things actually work! I can't decide on what pannier bags to get at the moment, Ortelib's are very popular and have good reviews but quite pricey. Maybe a cheaper version would be better, but then I would have to compromise on how waterproof it is, attachments and the fastening mechanism. I really like the roll top idea, I think for touring things can't get wet! It'll be miserable if everything gets soaking and we just get cold. I quite like the Carradice Dura bags but not the way they're fastened so I might just roll a dice!

 Really looking forward to summer, its going to be challenging but really epic!

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