Tuesday 26 February 2013

Lazy blogger that I am...

Since October time has gone so fast. I started my MSc which I've nearly finished half of. Ridiculous. Strange to think this time last year I was running round the lab trying to finish my undergrad thesis experiments!

I think doing the MSc has taught me a lot. I'm actually able to work to deadlines and complete things on time and my exams aren't as a bad as I thought. With the majority of my modules being 100% exam assessed I even bought a book on how to successfully pass exams! I think it helps to realise how you learn and what methods definitely do and don't work. So I know that I learn nothing by reading or listening to it! I have to write it down or it just doesn't stick. Cramming is not for me. Also, I can't structure my day exactly. I don't enjoy routines. If I have a list of jobs I need to get done then I will do them but most likely not in the order I say I will!

I have my first PhD interview on Thursday. Quite excited and nervous. I've been debating about what I'm going to wear for the past two weeks but have finally decided on a suit. Well, the bottom half of a suit and a cardi for my top half (and a nice top).  So far I've just been reading about the labs research in my spare time!  I had so much work this week - a presentation and a big bit of coursework in. Submitted the coursework this morning and it felt AWESOME. Bioinformatics is definitely a struggle, I enjoyed it but found it very frustrating going on to various databases and not really being sure what I was looking at!

So yeah, hopefully the interview will go well so I can do a PhD and become a top epic researcher in Immunology :)

View from my flat. I miss snow!

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