Sunday 5 February 2012

It's Working!!!

Wahooooooooooooo! Experiment in the lab finally worked!! We decided to just do the positive controls and get them to work by altering the method. Turns out there was lots of things wrong, just little things but it all adds up. Get to find out on monday if the proper experiment works. Fingers crossed! I now have the motivation to start tackling my dissertation...

My shoulder is better as well. Really nice feeling! I woke up on Tuesday after 4 days of pain and the pain had just disappeared. Quite a strange sensation but very good. Decided to go climbing that evening so just did some easy bouldering. On Thursday I climbed a route, just picked what looked relatively easy. It was on panel 2, blue juggy route but overhanging. Decided it looked alright, it is a nice climb but you have to get used to getting your feet up high then doing a power move. Some big stretches in the route (not surprisingly seeing as it was set by a guy who is 6ft4) but some flowy moves. Turns out they're a 6a, I didn't have any trouble with them apart from the fact my stamina has completely gone after not climbing for 2 months! That I could climb a 6a relatively easily is very cool, it feels like my climbing has improved massively this year. 

After teaching climbing yesterday decided to start leading again. I've never really gotten into leading. I get quite scared and I'm terrified of falling even a small distance. I really don't like the sensation. However, everyone has to get over things at some point so I've decided to start tackling it. I know how to clip and all the safety talk, I can teach leading to freshers but never felt myself that I particularly enjoyed it.

I guess I wanted to be at a higher standard of climbing before I started leading. I need to feel comfortable and confident on a route. Timolo and I decided I would just climb skittles, practise clipping technique, positions and if I felt uncomfortable I could come down. I completely trust Timolo so this is a huge factor in how I climb. I find I don't worry about my belayer so can concentrate on remembering to breathe! Something I tend to forget when I get panicky...

Climbed 2 panels of just rainbows. The first panel was fine, felt very comfortable and the second I did get really scared. I wanted to try and lead a route but just starting thinking oh no what if I fall how do I do this I'm so tired etc etc. Had to just take some deep breaths and stop for a minute. Finished it fine and the climbing is in no way hard. Just my silly head!

Trying to think positive about leading. I'm going to practise some more on Tuesday, maybe climb with 2 colours and do part of a route. We shall see!

Now, back to the dissertation...

Happy Sunday!