Monday 26 December 2011

The Idea

I used to go on holiday every summer. I would go with my family and we'd spend two or three weeks somewhere warm and wonderful. Initially, my brother and I would argue like crazy, driving my mum insane. Then once we'd gotten that out the way we realised we actually liked each other.

Once I started uni I just wanted a job, the idea was that my parent's wouldn't have to give me any money if I could work. They didn't like this plan so told me they would give me money whatever happened. Student loans don't go far. I didn't end up getting a job until the summer, silly recession. I was a temporary house keeper - read cleaner - for the university. Worse job ever. Not only was it disgusting but the managers were horrible and half of the summer workers were fired after 2 weeks when we were meant to be on a minimum 4 week contract. Never, ever be a cleaner.

After that I got a job in a fast food kind of place which actually wasn't bad. I liked most of the other staff and the bosses were great. One of them had done biochemistry and spent most of my interview chatting about my degree with me!

So I didn't go on holiday with my family that year I just worked hard, almost every day for 2 months. I volunteered in a local charity shop too. I'm not very good at doing nothing and just relaxing.

The next summer I spent working again. I'm a climbing instructor and I did a student summership with a lecturer at my university. It was great, turns out I really like lab work and research. I'm doing my final year honours project with the same lecturer.

I've decided that this summer will be different. Around September I decided I wanted to travel. I've always wanted to go to Vietnam so planned it out and then decided that going in monsoon season probably wasn't the best idea since I wanted to go climbing!

I recruited a friend from climbing to come with me - the Yorkshire. Travelling alone sounds a bit too dangerous and scary for my liking! Always a worrier if I can't plan things then it makes me panic! Definitely decided that having someone else to travel with would help on the worrying front. We planned to go to Argentina and found out that there's great climbing and steak and red wine, sounded great! Until we looked at flight prices. Time to rethink!

So now, we're going to Eastern Europe!

We're going to (but not in this order): Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Hungary and Slovenia. The plan is to go climbing in Slovenia around Osp and maybe in Croatia and head to the music festival in Hungary. I can't remember what it's called/attempt to spell it but I'm sure you know what I mean.

Best thing is my boyfriend Timolo also wants to come! Yay :)  :)  My brother Leeface, also might be coming, he's 15 now and has had enough of holidays with the parents so I said I would look after him. Might regret that! Hopefully not!

Of course, that only takes up one month - August. Leeface needs to be back for school and the Yorkshire needs to be back for work.

Other master plans for the summer include:
Alps, climbing and general awesomeness.
Cycling round Ireland.

So psyched!!!!!!!!!!